Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hooray for one hundred followers! :D  You ladies really are amazing!

I just wanted to let all of you know that the giveaway is coming, I promise!  I just started back up at my temp job again today, and after a full day of work, I can tell you that I'm NOT looking forward to the many, many 12+ hour days that I know are coming my way.  I would be happier and more content if I only focused on my primary job, but it always feels very good to be able to dump all of the checks from the temp job into my bank account.  My savings isn't always solid (have you seen my nail polish collection? lol), so it's nice to be able to sit solidly on a larger amount for a while.  Just in case, right?

So, long story short, I hope to have the giveaway posted by tomorrow night. :)

Have a good one!


  1. true! I need a part-time job or something. or go on a no-buy. Hmmm.

  2. Yay! congrats on the 100 followers.

  3. Congrats on the 100 followers! Thats awesome!

  4. Hey Hey fellow Hoosier :) Just came across your blog - LOVE IT!! Looking forward to more posts in the future - have a good one!
